Sedang mencari lirik lagu Marley Purt Drive dari Bee Gees? Anda sudah berada di tempat yang tepat! Di artikel UpBeat.ID ini, Anda bisa menemukan lirik lengkapnya sekaligus menikmati ulasan menarik tentang lagu ini. Jangan lupa untuk membaca sampai akhir, ya, agar tidak ketinggalan informasi penting lainnya!
1. Lirik Lagu
Sunday morning, woke up yawning; filled the pool for a swim.
Pulled down the head and looked in the glass just to see if i was in.
Went up the stairs and kissed my women to make her come alive.
‘cause with fifteen kids and a fam’ly on the skids,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
Fifteen kids and a fam’ly on the skids ,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
That’s how they are, so i grabbed out the car;convertible fifty-nine.
Headed for the freeway; tried to find the pasadena sign.
Ten miles and three quarters more i wasn’t feeling any more alive.
‘cause with fifteen kids and a fam’ly on the skids,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
Fifteen kids and a fam’ly on the skids,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
I used to be a minstrel free with a whole lot of bread in my bag.
I used to feel that my life was real, but the good lord threw me a snag.
Now i’m gonna be the same as me ,no matter how i try.
‘cause with fifteen kids and a fam’ly on the skids,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
Fifteen kids and a fam’ly on the skids,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
Turned ’round the car and headed for home; i guess i realized my fate.
Ten miles and three quarters more i pulled up outside the gate.
Twenty more kids were stood inside and that made thirty-five.
‘cause with an orphanage full of thirty-five kids,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
An orphanage full of thirty-five kids ,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
Sunday morning woke up yawning; filled the pool for a swim.
Pulled down the glass and looked in the mirror just to see if i was in .
Went up the stairs and kissed my women to make her come alive.
‘cause with an orphanage full of thirty-five kids ,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
And orphanage full of thirty-five kids,
I got to go for a sunday drive.
2. Makna dari lagu Marley Purt Drive
3. Profile Singkat Bee Gees
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