Lirik Lagu Ed Sheeran – One Night

Avatar Adrian Andari
Cover Lirik Lagu One Night Ed Sheeran Dan Maknanya

Sedang mencari lirik lagu One Night dari Ed Sheeran? Anda sudah berada di tempat yang tepat! Di artikel UpBeat.ID ini, Anda bisa menemukan lirik lengkapnya sekaligus menikmati ulasan menarik tentang lagu ini. Jangan lupa untuk membaca sampai akhir, ya, agar tidak ketinggalan informasi penting lainnya!

1. Lirik Lagu

Lying in a bedroom
Lighting up a benson
Face hair is growing
So i cut with a vengeance
Hey, did i mention
As she makes an entrance
Said i had a tendency
To finish off a sentence

Oh well, she’s a local girl
No make-up
Cos she knows me well
Hair tied up in elastic band
With a kiss on the cheek
For her one-night man

Is it fast food
I’ll regret it after
And i needed money
But i’m too shy to ask her
So she buys me chips and cheese
And i tell her i love her
And she’s all i need
I take it with a cold glass
Of the fruit and the barley
She’s still a sucker for the
Apple and bacardi
Heading to the party
Sitting in the car seat
B.e.p. on radio
It makes me feel naughty

She knows me well
Bit of a catch
To have a local girl
Hair tied up in elastic band
With a kiss on the cheek
For her one-night man
I don’t wanna go alone
I don’t wanna go alone
I don’t wanna go alone

Tell her that i love her
Tell her that i need her
Tell her that she’s more
Than a one-night stand
Tell her that she turns my cheeks
The colour of my hair
All i wanna do is be near

Tell her that i want her
Tell her that i need her
Tell her that she’s more than a one-night stand
Tell her that i love her
More than anyone else
If you don’t, then i’ll tell her myself

And we’ve got love in us
So if the drink kill us
We’re gonna dance all night
Till the floor fillers
If we talk outside
I say i hate wasps too
I don’t really dance
So i’ll just watch you
Are you taking me back tonight?
Tell me if that’s alright
I don’t wanna be here
I’m not the sofa type
Tell me if you have a toothbrush
You don’t mind sharing
She said i wanna take off
What you’re wearing
I don’t wanna go alone
I don’t wanna go alone
I don’t wanna go alone

Tell her that i love her
Tell her that i need her
Tell her that she’s more
Than a one-night stand
Tell her that she turns my cheeks
The colour of my hair
All i wanna do is be near
Tell her that i want her
Tell her that i need her
Tell her that she’s more
Than a one-night stand
Tell her that i love her
More than anyone else
If you don’t, i’ll tell her myself

She’s like the fast food
I’ll regret it after
And i needed money
But i’m too shy to ask her
But she buys me chips and cheese
So i tell her that she’s all i need

Tell her that she’s more
Than a one-night stand
Tell her that she turns my cheeks
The colour of my hair
All i wanna do is be near
Tell her that she’s more
Than a one-night stand
Tell her that i love her
More than anyone else
If you don’t, i’ll tell her myself

Tell her that i love her
Tell her that i need her
That she’s more
Than a one-night stand
Tell her that she turns my cheeks
The colour of my hair
All i wanna do is be near
Tell her that i want her
Tell her that i need her
Tell her that she’s more
Than a one-night stand
Tell her that i love her
More than anyone else
If you don’t, i’ll tell her myself

2. Makna dari lagu One Night


3. Profile Singkat Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran adalah penyanyi dan penulis lagu asal Inggris yang lahir pada 17 Februari 1991 di Halifax, West Yorkshire. Ia mulai menekuni musik sejak usia muda dan dikenal karena gaya penulisan lagu yang emosional dan melodi yang catchy. Sheeran mulai mendapat perhatian luas setelah merilis album perdana berjudul “Plus” pada tahun 2011, yang membawa namanya ke puncak kesuksesan di industri musik global.

Beberapa lagu hits Ed Sheeran antara lain “Shape of You,” “Perfect,” dan “Thinking Out Loud.” “Shape of You” menjadi salah satu lagu terlaris di dunia, dengan lirik yang menggugah semangat dan ritme yang menari. Lagu ini bercerita tentang pertemuan dan ketertarikan antara dua orang di sebuah bar. “Perfect” adalah balada romantis yang banyak dipilih sebagai lagu pernikahan, mengisahkan tentang cinta sejati dan kebahagiaan. Sementara itu, “Thinking Out Loud” menonjolkan tema cinta abadi, dengan lirik yang menyentuh tentang hubungan yang langgeng meskipun waktu berlalu. Ketiga lagu ini menunjukkan kemampuan Sheeran dalam menciptakan lirik yang relatable dan melodi yang mudah diingat.

Ciri khas Ed Sheeran terletak pada gaya musiknya yang menggabungkan berbagai genre, termasuk pop, folk, dan R&B. Ia juga dikenal karena kemampuan bermain gitarnya yang luar biasa dan teknik looping yang memukau, yang membuat penampilannya di panggung sangat menarik. Selain itu, lirik-liriknya sering kali bersifat autobiografis dan penuh perasaan, menciptakan koneksi yang kuat dengan pendengar. Suaranya yang khas dan penampilan yang sederhana menambah daya tariknya sebagai artist.

Setelah membaca lirik dan makna dari lagu One Night yang dinyanyikan oleh Ed Sheeran, semoga kamu bisa lebih menikmati One Night setiap kali mendengarkannya.

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