Sedang mencari lirik lagu The City dari Ed Sheeran? Anda sudah berada di tempat yang tepat! Di artikel UpBeat.ID ini, Anda bisa menemukan lirik lengkapnya sekaligus menikmati ulasan menarik tentang lagu ini. Jangan lupa untuk membaca sampai akhir, ya, agar tidak ketinggalan informasi penting lainnya!
1. Lirik Lagu
This city never sleeps
I hear the people walk by when it’s late
Sirens bleed through my windowsill
I can’t close my eyes
Don’t control what i’m into
This tower is alive
The lights that blind keep me awake
With my hood up and lace untied
Sleep fills my mind
Don’t control what i’m into
London calls me a stranger
A traveller
This is now my home, my home
I’m burning on the back street
Stuck here sitting in the backseat
I’m blazing on the street
What i do isn’t up to you
And if the city never sleeps
Then that makes two
The pavement is my friend
Hey, and it will take me where i need to go
I find it trips me up
And puts me down
This is not what i’m used to
The shop across the road
Fulfills my needs and gives me company
When i need it
Voices speak through my walls
I don’t think i’m gonna make it
Past tomorrow
London calls me a stranger
A traveller
This is now my home, my home
I’m burning on the back street
Stuck here sitting in the backseat
I’m blazing on the street
What i do isn’t up to you
And if the city never sleeps
Then that makes two
And my lungs hurt
And my ears bled
With the sound of the city life
Echoed in my head
Do i need this to keep me alive?
The traffic stops and starts
But i need to move along
London calls me a stranger
This is not my home
I’m burning on the back street
Stuck here sitting in the backseat
I’m blazing on the street
What i do isn’t up to you
And if the city never sleeps
Then that makes two
2. Makna dari lagu The City
3. Profile Singkat Ed Sheeran
Setelah membaca lirik dan makna dari lagu The City yang dinyanyikan oleh Ed Sheeran, semoga kamu bisa lebih menikmati The City setiap kali mendengarkannya.
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