Sedang mencari lirik lagu We Found Love dari Rihanna? Anda sudah berada di tempat yang tepat! Di artikel UpBeat.ID ini, Anda bisa menemukan lirik lengkapnya sekaligus menikmati ulasan menarik tentang lagu ini. Jangan lupa untuk membaca sampai akhir, ya, agar tidak ketinggalan informasi penting lainnya!
1. Lirik Lagu
It’s like you’re screaming, and no one can hear
You almost feel ashamed
That someone could be that important
That without them, you feel like nothing
No one will ever understand how much it hurts
You feel hopeless; like nothing can save you
And when it’s over, and it’s gone
You almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back
So that you could have the good
Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we’re standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
What it takes to come alive
It’s the way i’m feeling i just can’t deny
But i’ve gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
Shine a light through an open door
Love a life i will divide
Turn away ’cause i need you more
Feel the heartbeat in my mind
It’s the way i’m feeling i just can’t deny
But i’ve gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we’re standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
2. Makna dari lagu We Found Love
3. Profile Singkat Rihanna
Setelah membaca lirik dan makna dari lagu We Found Love yang dinyanyikan oleh Rihanna, semoga kamu bisa lebih menikmati We Found Love setiap kali mendengarkannya.
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