Sedang mencari lirik lagu Right Now dari Rihanna? Anda sudah berada di tempat yang tepat! Di artikel UpBeat.ID ini, Anda bisa menemukan lirik lengkapnya sekaligus menikmati ulasan menarik tentang lagu ini. Jangan lupa untuk membaca sampai akhir, ya, agar tidak ketinggalan informasi penting lainnya!
1. Lirik Lagu
Whenever baby i’m yours
Tomorrow’s way too far away
And we can’t get back yesterday
But we young right now
We got right now
So get up right now
Cause all we got is right now
Tomorrow’s way too far away
And we can’t get back yesterday
But we young right now
We hot right now
So get up right now
Cause all we got is right now
Baby tonight i need you
And i feel it when i see you
Wherever you wanna go
Whenever baby i’m yours
Tomorrow’s way too far away
And we can’t get back yesterday
But we young right now
We got right now
So get up right now
Cause all we got is right now
Tomorrow’s way too far away
And we can’t get back yesterday
But we young right now
We got right now
So get up right now
Cause all we got is right now
So close i can taste you
Ain’t escape i can take you
Can’t fight the feeling
Can you feel me
You got me feel it
Something you wanted to do what you like
There’s no more waiting tonight is the night
And we can’t be wrong not if it feels this right
Turn it up, scream it loud
But we got right now
Tomorrow’s way too far away
And we can’t get back yesterday
But we young right now
We got right now
So get up right now
Cause all we got is right now
Cause all we got is right now
2. Makna dari lagu Right Now
3. Profile Singkat Rihanna
Setelah membaca lirik dan makna dari lagu Right Now yang dinyanyikan oleh Rihanna, semoga kamu bisa lebih menikmati Right Now setiap kali mendengarkannya.
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