Sedang mencari lirik lagu No Love Allowed dari Rihanna? Anda sudah berada di tempat yang tepat! Di artikel UpBeat.ID ini, Anda bisa menemukan lirik lengkapnya sekaligus menikmati ulasan menarik tentang lagu ini. Jangan lupa untuk membaca sampai akhir, ya, agar tidak ketinggalan informasi penting lainnya!
1. Lirik Lagu
911, it’s a critical emergency, yea
Better run run run,
Come and charge him with the 143, yea yea
Told me this one was mine
Such a beautiful lie
Now he’s done done done and his love is no more for me
Another year as he wave me goodbye
He said he care but no tears in his eyes
And ask me if i’m alright
Nigga is you blind
Like a bullet your love me hit me to core
I was flying ’til you knocked me to the floor
And it’s so foolish of you keep me wanting more
I’m screaming murderer, how could you murder us
I call it murder, no love allowed
Yeah yeah yeah
Boy, yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Fe fo fum like the sky is falling down on me
Numb numb numb, he’s so cold he doesn’t feel a thing
Broken heart was the case
Gwan and put ‘im away
He’s the only one one one i ever let get the best of me
Another year as he wave me goodbye
He said he care but no tears in his eyes
And ask me if i’m alright
Nigga is you blind
Like a bullet your love me hit me to core
I was flying ’til you knocked me to the floor
And it’s so foolish of you keep me wanting more
I’m screaming murderer, how could you murder us
I call it murder, no love allowed
Yeah yeah yeah
Boy, yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Usually i’m the one that they cry for
But this man, he’s the one that i’d die for
Mama said there’s no cause for a rebel
Do you hear me now?
No love, no love, no love allowed
Like a bullet your love me hit me to core
I was flying ’til you knocked me to the floor
And it’s so foolish of you keep me wanting more
I’m screaming murderer, how could you murder us
I call it murder, no love allowed
I’m screaming murderer, how could you murder us
I call it murder, no love allowed
2. Makna dari lagu No Love Allowed
3. Profile Singkat Rihanna
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