Lirik Lagu Roxette – Sleeping Single

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Cover Lirik Lagu Sleeping Single Roxette Dan Maknanya

Sedang mencari lirik lagu Sleeping Single dari Roxette? Anda sudah berada di tempat yang tepat! Di artikel UpBeat.ID ini, Anda bisa menemukan lirik lengkapnya sekaligus menikmati ulasan menarik tentang lagu ini. Jangan lupa untuk membaca sampai akhir, ya, agar tidak ketinggalan informasi penting lainnya!

1. Lirik Lagu

Here’s the house.
Here’s the city and the stream.
Here’s the father to my dream.
Here’s the lost and lonely look in your eyes.
When you leave i will break down and cry.

Sleeping single –
I will wait for you.
I’m sleeping single –
’til you change your mind.
Sleeping single –
I will wait for you ’til time
Has gone by.

I’ll pay the price
For all the love you poured like rain
“toujours l’amour” over again,
But the midnight chills are getting so rough
And the bed is big enough for both of us.

Sleeping single –
I would die for you.
I’m sleeping single –
Won’t you change your way.
Sleeping single –
I will pray for you to stay,

2. Makna dari lagu Sleeping Single

In the solitude of a dwelling, a solitary figure lingers, their heart heavy with longing. The familiar surroundings of a city and a stream echo with memories of a love now lost. The father to their dream, once a beacon of hope, now fades into a distant figure, leaving behind a void in their soul. The pain etched in their eyes speaks of a separation that threatens to shatter their world.

Amidst the desolation, a flicker of hope remains. They resolve to endure the pain of solitude, clinging to the belief that their beloved will one day return. The phrase “sleeping single” becomes a mantra, a testament to their unwavering devotion. They vow to wait patiently, their heart suspended in anticipation, until the day when their love’s mind changes and they can be reunited.

As the days and nights turn into an eternity, they grapple with the consequences of their unrequited love. They pay dearly for the affection they have poured out like a relentless rain, but the solace it once provided now eludes them. The chill of midnight becomes a cruel reminder of their isolation, the bed that was once a symbol of shared dreams now a desolate wasteland.

In the depths of their despair, they summon the courage to plead for a change. They yearn for their love to cast aside the obstacles that keep them apart. With every breath, they pray that their beloved will heed their pleas and return to their side. The repetitive refrain of “sleeping single” becomes a desperate plea, a longing for the day when their solitude will end.

Through the passage of time, their unwavering devotion remains. They refuse to let go of the hope that their love will one day be rekindled. They endure the pain and isolation, their hearts forever yearning for the moment when they can once again share the warmth of a love that has been lost but never forgotten.

3. Profile Singkat Roxette

Roxette adalah duo pop asal Swedia yang dibentuk pada tahun 1986. Duo ini beranggotakan Marie Fredriksson (vokalis) dan Per Gessle (gitaris dan vokalis). Roxette mencapai kesuksesan internasional pada akhir tahun 1980-an dan awal 1990-an dengan serangkaian lagu hits.

Salah satu lagu hit terbesar Roxette adalah “The Look”, yang dirilis pada tahun 1988. Lagu ini menduduki puncak tangga lagu di lebih dari 25 negara dan menjadi salah satu lagu paling ikonik pada masanya. Lagu hits lainnya termasuk “Listen to Your Heart”, “It Must Have Been Love”, dan “Joyride”. “It Must Have Been Love” menjadi lagu tema untuk film “Pretty Woman” dan meraih nominasi Academy Award untuk Lagu Asli Terbaik.

Ciri khas Roxette adalah harmoni vokal yang memikat, melodi pop yang catchy, dan lirik yang sering kali bertema cinta dan hubungan. Fredriksson dikenal karena suaranya yang kuat dan emosional, sementara Gessle dikenal karena keterampilan menulis lagunya yang luar biasa. Kombinasi ini menghasilkan serangkaian lagu yang tak terlupakan dan tetap populer hingga saat ini.

Setelah membaca lirik dan makna dari lagu Sleeping Single yang dinyanyikan oleh Roxette, semoga kamu bisa lebih menikmati Sleeping Single setiap kali mendengarkannya.

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